Policies &

Studio Policies

Thank you for choosing Suwanee ClayWorks for your ceramic endeavors! To ensure a pleasant and productive experience for all, please review the following studio policies.


1. Clean-Up

 After working, please thoroughly clean the area, including shelves, equipment, worktables, wheels and stools. Proper clean-up maintains a healthy environment and respects shared studio space.


2. Sinks

 Clay must not enter the sinks. Wheel students must be cautious to prevent clay buildup in drains. Use strainers and designated pre-wash stations for cleaning to avoid clogging.


3. Class Shelves

 Each student has an assigned shelf for personal belongings and work. Please refrain from touching or borrowing items not belonging to you to prevent damage.


4. Open Studio

 Enjoy open studio hours but ensure to clean your work area and depart promptly to accommodate others. Neglecting to clean all areas clay has touched may disrupt others’ experiences.


5. Clay

 Only clay purchased from Suwanee ClayWorks is permitted in the studio. All clay leaving the studio must be documented on the clay chart. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action.


6. End of Session

 Clear class shelves at the end of each session to facilitate studio maintenance. Unclaimed items may be considered donated after two weeks into the new session.


7. Cell Phones

Please set phones to vibrate during class and open studio hours to minimize disruptions. If necessary, step outside to take calls.


8. Community Tools

 Clean and return communal tools promptly to ensure availability for others. Sharing tools is essential in our communal studio environment.


9. Instructor’s Items

Respect the instructor’s personal belongings and refrain from using them without permission. Any questions regarding an individual’s belongings should be directed to her directly.


We appreciate your cooperation in upholding these policies to maintain a harmonious studio environment. Should you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to studio staff for assistance.

Registration FAQs

1. What is the cancellation policy for classes?

Cancellations or class/session changes are allowed up to 7 days before the session begins. Within 7 days, cancellations will receive credit for a future class. No refunds or cancellations are permitted after the class session starts.


2. What priority do enrolled students have for re-registration?

Enrolled students have first priority to re-register before new students.


3. Does Suwanee Clayworks offer makeup classes for missed sessions?

Suwanee Clayworks does not offer makeup classes for missed sessions due to changes in students’ personal schedules.


4. What happens if an instructor cancels a class?

Instructors must offer a pre-scheduled makeup class if they cancel or miss a class. Makeups are only provided in this circumstance.


5. Are there age restrictions for adult classes?

Yes, adult classes are for students aged 16 and up.


6. What happens if a class size is limited?

Suwanee Clayworks reserves the right to cancel or merge classes based on enrollment. Affected students will be notified and given the option to cancel for a full refund or receive credit for the next session.


7. Are students responsible for missed class material?

Yes, students are responsible for all material covered in their class. If critical parts of the process are missed, students may need to schedule a private tutorial with a Suwanee Clayworks employee to finish their pieces within the set timeline.


8. How are registration dates for the next session communicated?

Registration dates for the following session are published during each class session. Instructors will advise non-re-enrolling students on finishing their pieces and clearing their storage shelves in a timely manner.


9. What happens if non-returning students do not clear their storage shelves?

Non-returning students are expected to clean off their storage shelves by the last Saturday of the session. Any remaining works in progress or personal belongings will be evacuated by Suwanee Clayworks if necessary, as shelves need to be cleared.